Recently, 3 Birds Design posted an August sketch and asked for their followers to post their 'takes' on it. My first project that I had in mind did not work well with the diagonal portions of their sketch, but two of the following 4 pages that I created (each a part of a 2 page spread), worked rather well.
Love...through the lens. I often take photos of Dakota interacting with the plants, floral arrangements, bugs, and critters that we see during our walks. I love to make pages using black and white to highlight her gorgeous, fluffy coat. Since this layout didn't work as well with the sketch as I had hoped, I tried again.
Reach for the sky....Up, up & away. The first page above works fairly well with the sketch, but since I had other shots that I knew I wanted to use, I turned this into a two page spread. I worked in some older 3 Birds products, specifically the chipboard "Up, up & away" and hot air balloon, from an older Sticky Sparkly kit or two. I have been 'collecting' 3 Birds scrapbooking and paper crafting products for at least 5 years.
Just saying hello... These next pages are reflections of our experiences during the local fair this year. We all enjoy the 4H animals as well as any time that a wildlife/petting zoo exhibit attends.
I used the diagonal item in the beginning of the first page, but that's the only aspect I really used here. I felt the urge to distress the matting below the 2nd photo, and raise it slightly, along with several other items throughout the two pages. I knew I could use parts of the Farmhouse Collection for these interaction photos. You can't go wrong with photos of kids and/or animals!
On another topic, I've been learning Lightroom, specifically Lightroom 5, after learning that we can RENT Photoshop & Lightroom TOGETHER for only $9.99 per month. That means that I can be using the latest version with all current upgrades of both programs for about HALF the cost of buying it. The cost of purchasing Photoshop is why I have only upgraded every few years in the past. Lightroom is SO much faster than Photoshop and allows us to BATCH PROCESS several photos at the same time! What a time saver for me.
The other day I told my husband that I can't believe that our son will be back in school in less than two weeks. His response was 'the summer that never happened'... very appropriate. School ran an extra 10 days into summer this year because we had 13 snow days this past winter. Add to that the fact that our summer has been much colder than normal, approximately 10 degrees colder in fact. PLUS because of Labor Day falling on a Monday, Wesley goes back to school on Tuesday, September 2nd this year... wow!
I am hopeful that I can manage to continue blogging here, once again working out the kinks of our computers' versions of Windows and Java, and working with Blogger. Keep your fingers crossed for me.