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Monday, December 29, 2014

Six Christmas celebrations and counting.

     Yesterday's Christmas celebration with my side of the family means that I have formally celebrated Christmas SIX, yes 6, times so far this month!  Nothing measures up to our quiet but not always calm celebration with our immediate family, but they were all fun in their own ways.
     My niece hosted this year's Gleason Christmas, far out 'into the sticks' as many would say, with 16 of us non-fur-family members in her home.  Good food was only the beginning of the festivities, as she had chosen our white-elephant gift exchange to be of 'resale' items, ie items we found at Goodwill, the Salvation Army, Pawn Shops, yard sales, etc.
     She and I immediately thought this would make our shopping SO EASY this year, but in fact, it made it surprisingly difficult.
     When I asked her for gift suggestions for the gift exchange between our sons (independent of the adult white elephant gifts), she remembered that her son needs black ties for his band concerts now.  So of course, I could not find a solid black tie to save my life, even without following the resale purchase rules.  I guess I waited too long and didn't think of going up town to a typical men's clothing store.  Our local Meijer no longer even sells them (yes, I asked an employee and she said they do not stock them anymore!) and Wal-Mart had none to be found.  Therefore, he received several ties, many of which were quite colorful and tacky, but no solid black ones, along with "New Tree" scented potpourri hangers for his first vehicle.
     I was immediately in tears when I realized that the hatchet that our son received was originally MY FATHER'S (who passed away just 10 months after walking me down the aisle)!  Wesley had put a hatchet on his Christmas wish list, after reading a book named "Hatchet" in class, a story about a young boy who gets lost and the only item he has with him that can help him survive is his trusty hatchet.
     I have SO many wonderful memories to document here, with so many wonderful photos, that I will be sharing them in several posts this week, while preparing to host my sister-in-law and niece for a day of scrapbooking on Friday.
     I hope you all have had a VERY MERRY & SAFE Christmas, with so many precious memories to document in your scrapbooks, altered projects, home decor, etc. and that crafting projects based upon your winter experiences keeps your HEART WARM & MEMORIES SAFELY DOCUMENTED. 
     Gentle Christmas hugs (as well as those for Hannukah, Kwanza and whatever celebrations you may share with your family and friends) and to all warm winter wishes.

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