This year, they were allowed to bring an exchange gift, which had not been allowed in younger classes. With a limit of $5, I thought it would be difficult to find a gift that Wesley wouldn't mind receiving himself, but leave it to he and Michael.... they found an air driven vehicle that scoots across the table or floor! It was a hit! When his science teacher came into the room to hand out some projects, she gave him a high five for giving a science-oriented toy. I told her I was trying to turn him into my little scientist, and Michael often finds science oriented toys or projects for him.
A good time was had by all, including a great choice of Christmas-oriented snacks, which included some delicious orange slices, of which I went back for 3 more! One of Wesley's classmates was dishing out her Grandma's 'famous' cheesecake. He told the 4 parents who attended that they HAD to try it. I splurged and had a small slice along with my orange slices, and it WAS delicious. I couldn't talk Wesley into trying either of those items, but he still had a LOT of foods to choose from.
After arriving at the party I realized that I forgot to cut Wesley's hair for Christmas.... oops! We managed to get it done soon after though.
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