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Monday, June 1, 2015

Maniac Monday

    Wow!  What a busy, exciting, frustrating, and fun weekend we had!  Saturday was one of our busiest days we've had as a family so far this year, and actually, in quite a while.  Wesley had a soccer game during a down pour, with our area receiving 0.80 inches of rain that day, when 0.10 is average for our area (according to a local newscast).  Soaked to the bone, he was still very excited about the Cub Scout activities planned for the rest of the day.
     We were planning to camp out with the Cub Scouts for our first and last time Saturday.  Wesley is a new scout, and was going through the ceremony that night to move into Boy Scouts.  Did I tell you it RAINED???  
    After frantically shopping for an appropriate sized tent that the 3 of us, plus my best buddy Dakota, could be comfy in, and that also met up to the hubby's standards, it was SOLD OUT by the time I went to order it the next day.  The website crashing during my order process didn't help my nerves either lol.  Web search again a few days later.... found it back in stock and ordered it along with an LED lantern, "tandem" 2 person sleeping bag, etc etc... A week or so later, driving out of town to pick up the tent, battling the rain schedule to apply additional
    Back to Saturday.  We anxiously watched the rain continue, monitored the radar and decided that the tent/camping adventure wasn't meant to happen for us, at least not that day.  The temperatures dropped into the low 40s overnight, and that along with the mushy/muddy ground at the camp site and rain until 8 pm that night clinched the decision.  As far as we know, only those with campers stayed overnight.  After having a wonderful camp and pot luck style dinner, the "Cross Over" ceremony took place, and we proudly watched Wesley receive yet ANOTHER belt loop for yet another accomplishment and walked across the bridge, into Boy Scouts.  He is the ONLY Webelo from the pack who is continuing on to Boy Scouts.
     To help lessen his disappointment over not camping out, I asked Michael if we could set up 'camp' in our living room again (we did this last year when it was too cold, and the two guys did it when we received the tandem sleeping bag the other day).  After leaving him at the camp site to play with a friend for a while, Michael went back to pick him up, and Wesley returned to find that I had completed setting up  'camp', including the Jiffy Pop popcorn awaiting him, as planned for our camp out.  Instead of staying at the camp ground to watch a movie with the scouts (outdoors), we much more comfortably rented a movie about the creator of the first computer.   Instead of falling asleep beneath the stars, the guys slipped off to sleep while I finished the movie, all of us in our soft, warm beds we created with the blow up beds and our sleeping bags, all in a toasty warm house lol.
     Sunday found us waking up in warmth, and Michael had Wesley step outdoors in his pjs, to see what it would have been like if we had stayed at the camp ground.  He doesn't think Wesley even took more than a couple of steps before running back in lol.  At around 11:30 I asked Michael if we were going to our niece's graduation party after all (we didn't know if we'd make it before), and he said he had forgotten all about it amongst the worries of camping with the scouts.  We left quickly and made it about 15 minutes before it officially ended, but stayed for a couple more hours, catching up with his family members and meeting our other niece's fiance.
     Today found me off to my optometrist for my over due check up and need of new lenses, as usual.  The cost of lenses alone is astronomical these days, but I need them, and I don't want to have Lasik surgery until after...... wait for it.... I have cataracts removed in a few years.  Yep.  Happy, happy, joy, joy..... I was hoping that if at all, it would be a while before I got them.  More wonderful medical news to share with the extended family, since I don't know of any of us on either side of the family who has had them done yet.  
     The busy weekend caught up to me after I came home (with dilated eyes as well... yucky).  I crashed while Michael and Wesley went to soccer practice.  Therefore this is my maniac Monday.  Catching up on laundry and chores...
    How was YOUR weekend??? 

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